Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers

January 09, 2019

“Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” – Daniel 10:12, NIV

Zach was upset when he was in Sunday school last week. His teacher, Herb, reached out to find what was troubling the boy. He tried to deny it but it was obvious something was wrong.

Finally, he admitted. “My dad’s using again. My mom doesn’t want me to know but I heard them fighting about it.”

Herb nodded. Zach’s father was on his prayer list regularly. “That’s a lot to carry around, isn’t it?”

Zach sighed. “I keep praying that God would heal my dad. You said He could do anything so why is He taking so long?”

Herb thought for a moment. “You know Daniel in the Bible? He prayed for weeks for an answer from God. When an angel arrived to talk with Daniel, he explained that he’d been dispatched the moment Daniel began praying.”

Zach leaned forward, listening intently. “So, why did it take so long then?”

“The angel shared with Daniel that he’d encountered an evil spirit who blocked his path. Sometimes, God answers right away but we don’t see the answer immediately. That means we have to keep the faith and keep praying.”

What circumstances have you encountered that made you question God’s timing? What would you say to a boy like Zach?

God, I pray for children like Zach. It’s hard when one of your parents is an addict. Please set those bound in chains free. Comfort children like Zach and surround them with kind adults who love them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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