When the Pain Won%2527t End%25e2%2580%25a6

When the Pain Won't End…

January 09, 2019

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV

Leroy woke one morning feeling nauseated and sweaty. He moved to get up but pain ripped through his stomach. He fell onto the carpet, calling out for his wife.

He was taken to a local hospital where doctors began running tests. No one could explain why he was suffering.

During the next few days, Leroy kept calling out to God. He begged for relief from his pain, for healing to be immediate. His local church added him to their prayer circles and many warriors went to God on his behalf.

But still the pain persisted. As Leroy began to feel weaker, he couldn’t understand what was happening. Why wasn’t God giving him relief? He knew he was beloved to God. He knew that God was the perfect Father. So, why wouldn’t He just remove the suffering?

After five days, a new doctor visited Leroy. He examined him, did a medical test and quickly returned. He explained that Leroy’s colon had twisted. “The fact that you’re still in pain is a good sign. If your intestines ruptured, your discomfort would be gone. But you’d also go into septic shock and die shortly after that.”

When Leroy heard those words, he suddenly felt grateful for the pain that God hadn’t stopped. While he’d questioned God for refusing to end the pain, He saw now that God had been acting from a place of mercy and love.

Leroy needed surgery to fix his colon. But he’s on the mend now and his doctor expects him to make a full recovery.

God, I confess: I don’t understand Your ways. I don’t understand Your plans. So I fall onto the character of Who You are. You are a good Father who loves me fiercely. Thank You for that love! Give me strength as I walk through this season of pain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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